How can I create Grids or Graticules for my maps?
Right now, Cartographica doesn't have the ability to automatically create grids or graticules for maps. However, there are a number of options if you need to overlay these onto your maps.
Grid Generator AppleScript
We have a simple AppleScript-based grid generator that can be used to manually create a grid of points or lines across an area. The GUI is not very nice (lots of single-input dialogs), but the functionality is sound. The required parameters are the number of cells (this is used to calculate the step), the upper left coordinates and lower right coordinates, and whether you would like a point grid or a line grid.
Please feel free to look around at the inside of the script. It's pretty simple, but effective.
Downloaded Layers
A number of sites, most notably Natural Earth, have grids and/or graticules for download and incorporation into your map sets. These layers are available at a number of different intervals. To use them, download the appropriate vector files and use File > Import Vector Data… to import the layer into your map set. Then, select the layer and uncheck Include in Map Extent from the Layer menu so that the Map's extent isn't defined by the grid. This way the grid will show up wherever it intersects your data, but will not extend the map beyond your data.
NOTE: It has been brought to our attention that the Natural Earth grids are not accurate at high resolutions. We have confirmed this by loading into ArcMap as well as Cartographica.
Smaller graticules in the min scale is sometimes required. Hope this will be added in future